There's no denying that some dentists tend to have very different opinions about cavities; what one dentist might want to fill right away could be completely overlooked by another dentist. As a result, many people who are told by dentists that they need to have a cavity filled will understandably want to get a second opinion from another dentist, especially if the supposed cavity came as a surprise. When considering the option to get a second opinion, however, there are some things to keep in mind.

Dentists With Free Second Opinions
Some people will put off getting a second opinion due to the costs involved with doing so. After all, who wants to have to pay for another dentist appointment, especially if
they don't have insurance? Fortunately, there are quite a few dentists out there who are happy to offer free second opinions to new patients. Therefore, it may be worth looking into this as an option for those who are uninsured or otherwise nervous about the costs involved.

Obtaining Previous Dental Records
Upon finding a dentist to go to for a second opinion, it's also a good idea to ask one's existing dentist for copies of all records on file. Contrary to what many patients are led
to believe, a patient's dental records are their property and not the property of the dentist's office. Records can either be picked up in person or mailed/faxed to the new dentist office at the patient's request. Usually, there is no charge for these services, but some dentist offices may charge for postage or handling fees.

Getting the Final Word
Once the records are transferred over to the new dentist, it's time to go in for the appointment. At this time, the dentist and staff will review the patient's past medical records
and perform a comprehensive exam, checking for any cavities or other issues. At the end of the appointment, the dentist should be able to either confirm or refute the previous dentist's diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan as required.

Overall, getting a second opinion on dentistry Sioux Falls area is recommended any time there's a shred of doubt about a diagnosis. From there, dental patients can enjoy much greater peace of mind when it comes to their dental health and any money spent on necessary procedures at the same time.